Dungeons and Dragons and the Pride Community

Ahh, pride month! That special time of year for LGBT+ folks (such as yours truly). When that one aunt/uncle on Facebook gets especially uncomfortable and corporate logos change colors for thirty days.

Oh, and also when Wizards of the Coast starts selling digital dice and playmats displaying a hot spring rendezvous of large hairy men. (Though, to be fair, profits actually do go to the Trevor Project. Also, genuine props to WotC for actually featuring men who aren’t hairless glamour models.)

But then again, D&D really isn’t exactly a stranger to bears.

Originally, this was going to be an article where I looked at LGBT-themed supplements and such. However, I ended up stumbling upon an interesting link between Dungeons and Dragons and the pride community. This in turn lead to the discovery of a history rife with bitter rivalries, prejudice, and acceptance.

It’s also far too complex of a subject for a blog post without turning into a graduate school dissertation. So the trip I’m offering here is brief, but hopefully quite interesting!


Link’s Not Dead…It’s Worse